Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The sidewalks of Sabalo Country

One of the first things you have to develop when you come to Mexico is the skill of radar in your feet.  That's because the sidewalks here are lethal.  They're not like the smooth, level and clean sidewalks in Victoria.  These sidewalks are patched together, all angles and steps, sometimes with rebar sticking out, and sometimes non existent.  

Here in Sabalo Country (our neighbourhood of Mazatlan) the sidewalks are the responsibility of the owner of the adjacent land.  So if the land belongs to an absent owner no sidewalk is built and pedestrians just trip through the dirt and garbage, or else take to walking on the street.

Then there's the fact that garbage is put out on the sidewalk at any time.  Some people have little metal baskets like this one to put the garbage in but others just drop it on the sidewalk for pickup.  Pickup takes place three times a week but at completely irregular hours so garbage is always waiting.

Then there are the gates.  Many people have gates that open into the front courtyard where they park their cars (like in the photo above).   Often when they go out, they just leave the gates open so pedestrians have to walk around, again heading into the road itself

Not many Mexicans walk around these streets, they're most often in cars or on motorcycles or bikes.    It's the Norteamericanos like us who walk around and now I see why most of them walk in the street. 

All of these photos were taken in one stroll down our street. It's all part of the adventure of living in a Mexican city I guess.  


  1. Since I once fell and broke my wrist on one of Victoria's smooth sidewalks, I could need a lot of help navigating even the streets there.

    The photos are lovely, though. Even the garbage cans are picturesque.

  2. what a wonderful adventure!
    would you recommend it?we spent 2 years in sunny Morocco and loved it.

  3. Hi Ewix, thanks for visiting here. We've spent some time in other parts of Mexico but keep coming back to Mazatlan. It has a great old town and is a functioning city, as well as having good beaches. I can't compare it to Morocco as I've never been there, although it sounds gorgeous.

  4. Hi, Joanna,
    I just stumbled across your blog and love the photos. We returned to Canada on the 4th from our third visit to Mazatlan. Others think we are strange to go back to the same place when there is a whole world out there, but something about Mazatlan keeps pulling us back. Thanks for sharing our favourite city.


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