Saturday, June 20, 2015

British Columbia's north coast

This image was taken by photography David duChemin on a recent trip up the coast to the Khutzeymateen wilderness area and grizzly bear sanctuary, just north of Prince Rupert and Kitimat where Enbridge wants to end their bitumen pipeline.

It reminds me of my stepson Ben's painting done a few years ago on a trip up the same coast. You can see a couple of them in this photo from his show that I wrote about here.

This is such a beautiful and remote area and I don't need to tell you what it would look like covered in oil from a spill.

We went to a talk last week by Jeff Rubin, a Canadian economist and author who talks about the end of cheap oil, which is good news for British Columbia's coast. Right now oil stocks in the tar sands are down 80% in value and the cost of extraction there is prohibitive. Jeff's recent book is called The Carbon Bubble and can tell you more. We certainly live in volatile times.


  1. Enbridge is staffed with thieves, none of whom give a damn about the consequences of their actions.

  2. I was overwhelmed by sadness to read this post.
    What a pristine area that should be saved. Where is Teddy Roosevelt when you need him.

    I see similar problems here on the border. Not oil but waves of destructive people who don't care if they are destroying the very fragile desert Eco-system with litter, foot paths, destruction of plants and setting wildfires. My beautiful desert is being destroyed by liberal money for votes.
    We have lost here but no one seems to care.

    I wish you all the luck in the world and no oil spills.
    cheers, parsnip


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